List of pages


librerpi repos



Commit descriptions should describe what you've done, commit messages such as "update file" or "add smth" aren't good commit messages.

These are of course recommendations and aren't actually required.


The website uses a modified fork of learn.

Pages are written in Markdown, and the website builder uses the first line of a file as the title:



The title of the page will be Title.

Once you're done writing, you can put your files in docs/ in the website repository. Please don't put capital letters in names.

After that, you may want to see how well it renders. Run:

$ ./ clear
$ ./

And point your web browser to path/to/librerpi/website/repository/www/.

Once you're done, you can send patches to the GitHub page.

HEAD: bad8730d446538e8d85bf7587c2958e0c81fb29b